Orientation Sessions for the Teachers
A number of topics that are integral part of school teaching were taken up in the orientation sessions conducted at Revel Dale Public School. The topics that were dwelt upon were:
- Teachers- The Soul and Spine of the school
- Earnest teachers
- Caring teachers
- Accountable Teaching
- Teacher-A Life Long Learner
- A Teacher who exudes confidence
- Both Verbal and non verbal communication matter a lot
- Lesson Planning-So Essential
- Assessment and Evaluation
- Class Teachership
Principal Mr Rajiv Arora interacted with the team of coordinators and 125 teachers. Ten orientation sessions were conducted in four days to have conclusive discussions on the aforementioned topics. Very pointed questions were raised by the teachers and they were appropriately answered by Mr Rajiv Arora and thus the doubts, misperceptions and confusions of the teachers were dispelled.
The purpose of these sessions that concluded on 29th June is to discharge the responsibility of imparting spirited, earnest and accountable teaching to the students of the school so that they may all emerge as strong assets to society and nation.