where he conducted a workshop on the Theme ‘ Essentials of Primary School Teaching. There he addressed 123 Primary teachers of different schools being run by CHIEF KHALSA DIWAN. While talking about the responsibilities of the Primary teachers he said that love for school and for school learning is required to be generated in the children. This can be possible with care, concern, compassion and empathy. If teaching learning process is interesting and engrossing then only children will develop love for school and for school learning.
Mr Rajiv Arora laid a lot of emphasis on rapport building. If rapport is not struck between teacher and students on daily basis, teacher remains a stranger to the students. When a teacher teaches without establishing a connect with the students, a lot of indiscipline is noticed in this kind of classroom.
Mr Rajiv Arora laid a lot of emphasis on rapport building. If rapport is not struck between teacher and students on daily basis, teacher remains a stranger to the students. When a teacher teaches without establishing a connect with the students, a lot of indiscipline is noticed in this kind of classroom.